Close Up With Master Magician Sieko

Close up magician and illusionist for hire

If you are searching for a close up magician and illusionist to wow your guests at an upcoming private party, corporate function or wedding, look no further. Sieko is one of Cape Town’s most accomplished event entertainers and will blow your mind with his mystical artistry.

Sieko’s close-up magic is unmistakably unique as he blends his mastery of sleight of hand, with the art of mentalism to provide the audience with a truly mystifying experience. His comfortable yet traditional style, entertains young and old alike.

His love for magic started at the tender age of 9, performing for family and friends. It wasn’t long before Sieko joined the college of Magic in Cape Town to hone his skill. This passion and love for magic has grown over the years and has culminated in performing for audiences both in South Africa and internationally. Sieko has performed in a variety of settings for an even wider range of people. Every show is individually tailored, the length and content geared for the audience and occasion.

His preference when performing is the intimacy of close-up conjuring, drawing room style, demonstrating the impossible for small groups of people. Here Sieko performs with cards, coins and other objects. For bigger occasions Sieko mingles with guests at a reception, or strolls between tables at a banquet, in order for larger numbers to see his close-up performance.

As a keen poker player himself Sieko has intimate knowledge into the techniques of crooked gamblers and card sharks. Let him wow you with a display of the impossible at the card table.


“Thank you for a wonderful performance! You are a true professional and it is very rare to work with artists’ like yourself, who can captivate and transform an audience at an executive level.”MTN

“I had the wonderful opportunity of witnessing the mind boggling force that is Sieko during an impromptu display of his abilities at a 50th birthday party I attended. He takes street magic and combines it with his naturally charming and outgoing personality which leaves all that witness his skills wanting more.”Stuart Oakes, Partner Antal International

To book Sieko the world famous close up magician and illusionist contact Adrian on 084 742 8939 /

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